A Quick Intro


I am just adding this post to give my basic reasons for blogging.  I’ve been attempting to start blogging for years, and never really kept with it.  Life just got in the way, and now that’s exactly why I know I need to stick with it.

This morning I thought I’d type out a journal type entry with something I’ve been dying to say, but I have no one to talk to!  So when I was done, I realized what I truly need is an outlet that is exposed. People can see it, comment, and I can finally be heard.

So here I am, doing what I know I should have done years ago, (I’ve always said I could write a book about what I’ve been through) and hoping that REAL HONESTY (excluding anything that shouldn’t be out on the web because lets face it, some real experiences aren’t exactly um approved lol) will encourage me to take hold of my life and fix myself so I can be stronger, and maybe someone else might enjoy the literally crazy things I do, see, and frankly put up with (yeah, more on that trust me).

So to all of the critics out there, sure, if you don’t like something, by all means, say what you will, because I have and do a lot of crazy stuff … but just in case you think I am interested in personal attacks? Bite me.  🙂

This will not be unicorns and rainbows, some happy, and a lot sad, possibly disturbing or shocking situations that are not as uncommon as people think.

My real dream, is that maybe it’ll take off!  Maybe I’ll end up being interesting enough that someone someday tells me that they read my ramblings faithfully, and that in and of itself will probably be the best day of my life (excluding kids etc of course)

So thank you for even seeing this (because you had to click, then use your eyeballs, and stopping before a 2nd click is very unlikely in a trigger-clicky type society who jumps from one thing to the next so fast) and please, keep reading, as I plan to pour out my heart and soul on here and I know that every person is worth it. No one is too small, and everyone should have a voice.